Receiving confirmation of your DSA application and taking up support

Student Finance will review the evidence in your needs assessment report and confirm the support they have agreed to fund.

Student Finance will review the evidence in your needs assessment report and confirm the support they have agreed to fund.

Confirmation of your DSA application

You will receive this confirmation in an email – like before, a letter will be attached. The letter is called your DSA2 letter of entitlement and will be your key to getting your support set up.  

If you would like any help arranging your confirmed support, your university will be able to provide this.

The first step is just to forward your DSA2 letter of entitlement to your university’s disability services. You can often find their contact details by googling your university’s name, followed by ‘disability services’. They will then contact you back to go through your DSA2 letter with you.  

Students chatting in university communal area

You can receive support at any time during your course

But we recommend starting sooner rather than later.

That way, you can begin working on strategies to overcome potential barriers before you even face them. 

Taking up support

You made it! Time to begin taking up your agreed support. You'll find all the necessary information on the second page of your DSA2 letter of entitlement. Simply contact your suppliers listed on this page, and they’ll begin putting in place your support. 


Content provided by Diversity and Ability

Fri, 03/11/2023 - 09:57
Trudi Woodhouse
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